Friday 22 January 2010

Welcome 2010!

It is 2010 and Kultur Lab is shifting gears!

Over the past few months, many have asked me as to why London was my city of choice for Kultur Lab.
Well, here is the reply...

London is one of the most diverse cities in the UK with over 45% of non-white population i.e. of Black and minority ethnic origins. London’s population is also growing and an estimated 800,000 people will move into London over the next decade or so.

The capital’s sheer ethnic diversity requires a challenging and an inspiring agenda of development and promotion of cultural life in London, an agenda that represents a huge opportunity for learning resources in terms of how to develop relationships with all communities and how to seek their engagement through these resources. London’s archives, libraries and museums have an important role to play in promoting knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures and fostering a sense of identity, especially for the younger generation.

However, many archives, libraries and museums do not reflect the needs of the thriving ethnic diversity of London’s communities, let alone the need for developing children’s education from a cultural and a creative perspective. Kultur Lab aims to fulfill those needs that are not yet catered to by the existing institutional set-up and aims to provide a conducive ambience for children to explore, experiment and engage with their native cultures through various integrated projects.

Kultur Lab will start its journey from East London due to the region’s high percentage of ethnic population and will be strategically located at Hackney Wick .Any other suggestions that you may have are most welcome!

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